How TO Download File Zilla Free - Sculpture

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Wednesday, 30 September 2015

How TO Download File Zilla Free

Handle symbolic links on servers. If trying to access a symbolic Link, FileZilla will first try to CWD into it, and if that fails, will treat it as a file instead. During recursive operations, any directory link encountered will not be followed, but file links will be downloaded.

Bugfixes and minor changes:

Numpad keys could not be used to search for entries in the file lists 
OS X: Use smaller font sizes in message log and directory trees 
Fix vertical alignment of labels next to the directory boxes above the directory trees 
Use lighter text colors in message log if using dark background 
*nix: Transfer status lines will no longer overlap the queue ScrollBar 
*nix: Fix font colors if using themes with dark Backgrounds (e.g. DarkRoom under Ubuntu 8.10)

How TO Download File Zilla Free Reviewed by 5 on 22:51 Rating: 5 Handle symbolic links on servers. If trying to access a symbolic Link, FileZilla will first try to CWD into it, and if that fails, will trea...

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